Memento Mori


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First Contact +1
by Hellesponte & Kerodin
September 2, 2010


You have survived First Contact.  LEO came for you and your counter was successful, or LEO did not come for you, though it has become obvious that LEO is moving on Patriots.  You are confident that at some point, they'll get around to you.  So, what next?

Gear up and start hunting, immediately!

There will be a critical window in the hours following any coordinated, physical Government move against Patriots.  Now is not the time for Patriots to go to ground.  Now is not the time to wait & see.

When caught in an ambush there is only one escape route - engage the ambush and punch a hole in their efforts.  If you try to back up or wait it out, you die. 

When Government moves they will do so with overwhelming concentration of force on select targets, utilizing LEO from the Fed level to the local.  Their effort will be to eliminate the "Leaders" and take the wind out of any resistance.  They will seek to make examples of those who have been the loudest and most unwavering in their rhetoric.

So be it. 

While their teams are in the field and neutralizing III targets, either by killing them or putting them in holding cells until the buses begin rolling out, it is imperative that the entire III Community move with immediate and singular intent:

Hunt LEO.  Disable their vehicles.  Take from them their comfort zone, their S.O.P., by taking action in many places across the AO so that they must divide their forces and not have the luxury of overwhelming force at any one location.  Inhibit their ability to move through the AO.  None of this is re-inventing the wheel; read your US military training field manuals.  Provide enough incentive for the average LEO to quit the fight and stay home with his family.

These people, LEO, represent the shock troops and tools of the Government.  They are Governments teeth.  It is vital, critical, paramount that the moment Government attacks, Patriots counter attack immediately.

There are about 800,000 badges and guns in this country. 

There are 1.5 - 3 million Patriots in the III Community.

The arithmetic is simple.

The goal is to castrate Government by taking from them the tools they use to oppress and inflict injury.  There is no time to waste or wait in these moments.  An overwhelming and merciless response by Patriots that takes Government badges and guns from the equation, men & women who have turned on the republic, is the final hope for Liberty in such circumstances.

You know those lines of Riot Thugs advancing on citizens while they beat clubs to shields?  One Patriot with rock & roll capability ends the nonsense in seconds.  Problem solved.

This is not the time for proportional response measures.  No broken windows at this point.  These will be the moments for Patriots to burn unconstitutional agencies and oppressive forces to the ground.  These will be the moments to demonstrate that you deserve the title American and deserve to walk the ground once trod by Jefferson.  These will be the moments that decide the fate of the republic and the fates of your loved ones.

This can not be a drawn out operation.  48 hours at most.  Do not give the politicians a chance to bring troops into the equation.  The last thing any Patriot wants is to put our military in the position of having to decide whether or not to engage fellow Americans. 

Additionally, America will never be more vulnerable to those foreign powers who would like to make a move, than when our focus is on such an internal ruckus.  Patriots must end the conflict quickly so that our military is never forced to turn their attention from the rest of the world, keeping the predators at bay while we work out our internal dispute.

Politicians suddenly disarmed of their weapons (LEO) become much more attentive.  When Patriots demand that they pack up and leave their offices, they will leave.  When Patriots demand that Federal employees pack up their desks and go home, not to return to their now defunct agencies that are beyond the charter of the Constitution, they will go.

But if Patriots miss this window, fail to take advantage of the momentum and the moral high ground offered in such circumstances, the republic will forever be lost.  LEO will consolidate it's grip through technology and precedent.  Politicians will be untouchable. 

This will become the new Normal.


III Percent Patriots



Excerpt: There comes a time when civility is no longer appropriate as the only option on the table.  Dare we not offend the sensibilities of Liberals, Socialists, and Communists in our midst who are ruining and destroying our republic?  Are we to cower and sheepishly genuflect when we are scolded for the tone or choice of our words in the face of ruin, poverty, tyranny, and death?!

Are we so frightened of chastisement from insignificant men and women of the political Left with stained and darkened souls that we turn from our duties of Patriotism and shun our sacred obligation to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America?  We ask you, is not our republic worth the risk of being castigated?  Is the soul of our mighty nation no longer worthy of our fortunes, our lives, and our Sacred Honor?  Have we lost so much of our heritage, our courage, our mettle, and grit that we will stand idly by and permit the foolish and the stupid, who work hand-in-hand with evil people in our nation, that we will permit them to send us into eternal slavery and tyranny as the world has never before witnessed?

Excerpt: You are a fool if you do not believe that elements of the Left would use force, if they could, to compel you to comply with many of their edicts.  In drafting healthcare reform, they use the threat of financial fines, felony conviction and prison if you refuse to buy health insurance! 

How is that not only a degree or two removed from a pistol to the head? We are undeniably heading toward the same tyrannies known to Russians, Germans, and the Chinese.  It starts with Liberalism, advances to Socialism, and ends with Fascism, Communism, or some other tyranny…and death.

Excerpt: We have a culture of people whose first response to a physical threat is to dial 911, or worse, a lawyer.  We have a nation of people who will dump hot coffee on themselves, then sue the restaurant – and win!  We have a nation of educators who suspend children for drawing a picture of a handgun or for bringing a Boy Scout knife-and-fork kit to show and tell! 

We have a nation of people so removed from the food chain that many would starve to death if the local supermarket closed.  We have a nation of people who cannot truly grasp the hardships faced by most of the people in the world every day, and as a result we have a nation of people who have lost fundamental common sense.

Excerpt: The Bill of Rights articulates the natural rights of man, rights that are not bestowed by government, but rights that are innately ours as human beings.  These rights may not be taken from us.  These rights were written in plain language so that no clever interpretation and manipulation of the intent was possible.  These rights may not be restricted, narrowed, or infringed.  Any attempt to do so is a violation of the relationship between Man and Creator. 

Every narrowing, restriction, infringement, and clever interpretation imposed upon us in the years since our Constitution was ratified is simply a violation of our natural rights.

We hold that every violation of the Constitution and Bill of Rights by those in Government is an act of Treason, as these violations are unjust, undermining the fundamental foundations of our republic, breaking the pact between citizen and government, and desecrating the relationship between Man and Creator.  Any man or woman who enforces these unconstitutional laws on behalf of government is a treasonous soul and an enemy of Liberty and humanity.

Sons of Liberty Flag









Liberalism is Treason & Tyranny

Jus ad bellum: There is a moral obligation on the part of any Patriot who decides to engage in violence, before you cross the Rubicon and plunge yourself and perhaps your republic into the horrors of civil war.  Killing an enemy is always just and proper in the face of an existential threat.  Whether the Liberal comes to your home to kill you, or sends armed Government thugs to kill you, or to interfere with your ability to provide for your family, he poses the same existential threat to you and your family as does the liberal who pulled that lever in the voting booth.  Dead is dead, whether by violence or poverty and starvation caused by Liberal policies, and both are morally sound justifications for war.

III Percent Patriots

Mr. Kerodin is an Author, Columnist, available Speaker & Speech Writer.

"This is Washington DC, my friend - when you play at a certain level in this town, you will be elected, or convicted.  Sometimes, both.  The order of events is irrelevant." - Kerodin

Additional Columns

First Contact
September 1, 2010

Do You Understand?
August 30, 2010

Keyboard Commandos
August 27, 2010

The Enemy of My Enemy...
August 24, 2010

Culling the Liberal Herd
August 22, 2010

August 21, 2010

August 18, 2010

III Considerations
August 12, 2010

III Conflict
July 19, 2010

III Percent Solution
July 19, 2010

With Whom You Stand
June 8, 2010

Freedom of Association
June 4, 2010

Memorial Day Contemplations
May 31, 2010

The Arizona Solution
May 20, 2010

Required Daily Reads

Drudge Report

War on Guns Blog
David Codrea

Sipsey Street Irrelgulars
Mike Vanderboegh

Western Rifle Shooters Assn

"Liberalism, and Liberals, are ruinous to the republic, and must be marginalized if America is to survive.  Patriots must step to this challenge and risk the wrath of the Politically Correct, and do the work that must be done to honor our Fathers.  Liberals must be stopped, at any cost." - Kerodin

"No, I apologize for nothing.  I know the truth, regardless of what may be in the press.  I know that when I stand before Saint Peter, I will be granted passage.  If I am ever granted audience with God, I have nothing to fear.  I have lived the life He chose for me, and I still have much work to do..." - Kerodin

"No man looks forward into life when young and can imagine for himself the life I have lived.  But I am better for it.  I have been places never anticipated.  I have had experiences never dreamed.  I have met people who would have never otherwise been in my social or professional circle.  I have, many times, leaned upon the words of Winston Churchill - 'When you are going through Hell, keep going!'" - Kerodin

My family continues to promote my values where I can not.  They are Patriots.  If you ever meet my wife, you will meet the most loyal wife and Patriot in America.  She is brave, brilliant, and bold.  We fight Liberal stupidity together through the First Amendment.  Laws change - and one day I will stand with her again in the Second Amendment fight that she carries on when I must stand aside."  - Kerodin

Current political leaders are only the face of the problem confronting America today.  The underlying cancer eating the American Soul is Liberalism.  But for your Liberal neighbors, Liberal politicians would never be elected to office.

It is not sufficient to simply defeat Liberal politicians at the polls.  Liberalism must be defeated in our society and Liberals must be marginalized, or this disease will kill the republic.

Every patriotic business owner should immediately fire every Liberal on staff and hire an employee who respects the nation and our Constitution.  Why should any business owner suffer an employee who will simply vote for politicians who further ruin the company?!

The Liberals in your community must be ostracized and denied entry into your social circle.  These stupid people are responsible for the insanity that affects everything from your property taxes to the curriculum taught to your children.  Why would you break bread with them, when they are the reason your bread costs too much?  Why would any parent permit them access to their children, when they are responsible for ruining your child's future?


This book may not be for you.

If you consider yourself to be a Liberal or Progressive, go away. You are not permitted to buy this book. This book is written by patriotic Americans for patriotic Americans. This is a discussion among ourselves, and if you are a Liberal politician or you vote for Liberal politicians,
(Of the genus Stupidus Liberalis)  you are not invited to participate.

First, we will demonstrate that all politicians, judges, and government employees at the Local, State, and Federal levels who support federal Healthcare Reform, the Assault Weapons Ban, TARP, Stimulus I, Free Trade Agreements, PATRIOT Act, the new “Jobs” bill, or a host of other such Federal programs or initiatives, are guilty of Treason against the United States of America.

Secondly, businesses, multi-national corporations and special interest groups that support Liberal politicians and/or Liberal programs, Cap & Trade, Global Warming legislation, et cetera, are committing Treason against the United States of America.

Finally, we will demonstrate that those private Citizens who support or vote for any of these politicians—once the nature of the politician is known to the public—or programs are equally guilty of Treason by knowingly lending material aid and support to a Traitor.

Excerpt: The five most expensive parts of our national budget are:

1.      Social Security

2.      Medicare

3.      Medicaid

4.      Defense

5.      Interest on the National Debt

Numbers 1, 2 and 3 are wholly unconstitutional and brought to us by Liberals. 

Number 5 is wholly a result of numbers 1, 2 and 3!